A True American Hero: Kyle Carpenter

You may not have heard of William Kyle Carpenter, but one thing is undeniable – he is a certified American hero. At just 21 years old, Kyle earned the rank of Lance Corporal in the United States Marines and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010.

During a fierce firefight, a grenade landed dangerously close to where Kyle and his fellow Marine were fighting. Without hesitation, Kyle made a split-second decision that would change his life forever. He jumped on the grenade, using his own body as a shield to protect his comrade.

This selfless act of sacrifice resulted in devastating injuries for Kyle. His body was pierced by shrapnel, and his skull and face were shattered. He lost part of his jaw, one lung collapsed, and upon his return to Camp Bastion, he was pronounced “patient expired on arrival”. Miraculously, against all odds, Kyle survived.

Kyle went on to endure forty surgeries over the next two years, displaying incredible strength and resilience. He was rightfully recognized for his bravery, receiving the Purple Heart and being honored with the prestigious Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama.

Today, Kyle is retired from military service and is pursuing a degree at the University of South Carolina. He exemplifies what it means to be a true American hero – someone who selflessly risks their life to save another.

Watch the video below to learn more about Kyle’s courageous story and share this article to show your support for a man who made the ultimate sacrifice to save a fellow Marine.

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