Without asking, my father-in-law destroyed my cherished flower garden to install his own swimming pool. Fate dealt him a harsh blow in return

When my father-in-law Richard bulldozed my treasured garden to illegally install his own swimming pool, I was infuriated. However, as the adage implies, fate has its own way of balancing the scales. The series of unforeseen events that followed transformed his pet project into an utter fiasco.

I never envisioned witnessing karma in action, yet it arrived with a vengeance. Prepare yourself with a cup of coffee and settle in, as this tale is a rollercoaster from beginning to end.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Linda, a 40-year-old high school English teacher residing with my spouse Tom and my father-in-law Richard.

Tom and I have shared 15 delightful years of marriage, having been together since our college days. Life flowed relatively smoothly until about two years ago when Richard moved in with us following the passing of my mother-in-law.


Coexisting with Richard can be trying. He holds strong opinions on virtually everything and believes he’s always right. Our relationship has been somewhat tense, although I’ve made efforts to accommodate him for Tom’s sake.

Nonetheless, sharing a home has been… challenging, to say the least.

Tom and I are childless, so over the years, I devoted my energy to our backyard. It was my paradise: a verdant lawn encircled by vibrant flower beds that I had cultivated from seedlings. Gardening became my passion, my retreat, my method of unwinding after days spent with temperamental teenagers.

Every spare moment found me in the garden, nurturing my plants, observing their growth and bloom. It was more than a mere hobby; it was what kept me engaged, joyful, and balanced.

But Richard had different ideas for my sanctuary. It began seemingly innocuous.

One night, as dinner concluded, Richard cleared his throat. “Linda, Tom, I’ve been pondering.”

A glance exchanged with Tom typically signified impending trouble when Richard spoke those words.

“The backyard,” Richard pressed on, “it’s underutilized. We should install a pool.”

I nearly sputtered on my drink. “A pool? Richard, where would it even fit? The garden isn’t extensive.”

He dismissed my concern with a wave. “We’ll make space. You know, I get restless when you both are away at work. A pool would be ideal for me and my friends, especially during the sweltering summer days.”

Tom, ever the mediator, attempted to reason with his father. “Dad, Linda has invested considerable effort into the garden. You can’t simply clear away the beautiful flowers. Besides, a pool incurs significant costs and responsibilities. I doubt you’re prepared for that.”

However, Richard was unyielding. For weeks, he incessantly revisited the topic. “Linda, envision the relief during warm days,” or “Tom, imagine the pool parties we could host!”

I maintained my stance. “Richard, I appreciate your vision, but it’s impractical. The garden is compact, and I cherish it. You can’t excavate a pool there. It won’t happen.”

I assumed that concluded our discussions. I was mistaken; it was merely the onset.

One weekend, Tom and I planned a visit to my parents, a welcome respite from Richard’s relentless pool discussions. We departed early Saturday, intending to return by Sunday evening.

Arriving home Sunday, immediately something felt amiss. The front yard was disheveled, marred by muddy tire marks. My heart sank as we approached the backyard.

To my dismay, where my exquisite garden once thrived, now lay a vast pit. Mounds of earth bordered it, and most of my meticulously cared-for flowers were gone.

Center stage, Richard stood, a triumphant grin plastered on his face.

“Decided to return, did you?” he taunted. “I commenced the pool construction. No need for thanks.”

Dumbfounded, I was at a loss for words. Tom, conversely, was livid. “Dad! What were you thinking? We explicitly forbade this!”

Richard merely shrugged. “You’ll appreciate it once it’s complete. I secured an excellent deal on the excavation.”

Tears welled up as I surveyed the destruction of my labor, wrought by my own father-in-law. How could he not grasp my attachment to the plants? Why would he devastate my beautiful garden?

Observing my distress, Tom comforted me, leading me indoors.

“I’ll handle this, Linda. Don’t fret,” he reassured. “He won’t proceed with the pool. And your plants… I’ll engage a professional gardener to restore the garden to your liking. Please, stop crying.”

The following morning, I awoke half-hoping it had all been a dreadful dream. A glance outside confirmed the grim reality. The excavation crew was back.

As they resumed their work, fate decided it was time for Richard’s reckoning, just as our neighbor, Mrs. Jensen, appeared with her dog Buster.

Known for her strict adherence to regulations and her longstanding friction with Richard, Mrs. Jensen approached with a saccharine smile.

“Richard, dear,” she began sweetly, “are you aware of the zoning restrictions regarding proximity to property lines?”

Richard scoffed. “I’m well-versed, Margaret. Keep out of this.”

Her smile broadened. “Well, the city inspector happens to be a close acquaintance of mine. Let’s see what he thinks.”

Richard’s complexion paled. Before he could object, Mrs. Jensen was already on her phone.

Soon after, a city inspector arrived, surveying the chaos in our backyard with a shake of his head. “I’m sorry, sir, but this violates several codes. You must refill this immediately.”

Richard spluttered, but the inspector continued, “Additionally, you’re facing a fine for initiating construction without the necessary permits.”

It was undeniable. Karma was tangible, and it was relentless.

But that’s not all.

As the crew began refilling the pit, a sudden crack echoed. Water surged forth—they had struck an ancient water pipe!

Instantly, our backyard transformed into a swampy mire. Moments later, an unfortunate slip sent Richard tumbling face-first into the mud.

Tom and I observed from the porch as pandemonium ensued. Soaked and muddy, Richard berated the contractors.

His favorite suit was ruined, and his vision of a backyard paradise literally dissolved.

Ultimately, Richard bore the financial burden for the fine, pipe repairs, garden restoration, and basement cleanup. It proved an expensive lesson in respecting others’ property and adhering to regulations.

Post-incident, Richard’s zeal for home improvements waned. He now spends most days secluded in his room, and merely uttering “pool” suffices to darken his mood and prompt his departure.

As for my garden, it’s gradually returning to its former glory, each bloom symbolizing a triumph over Richard’s ill-conceived plans.

Additionally, Mrs. Jensen and I have forged a friendship. Whenever she spots me gardening, she winks and jests, “I trust no one’s excavating a pool in your garden today.”

Tom and I often recount this episode at social gatherings. “Ever hear about Richard’s pool endeavor?” Tom begins, and our friends settle in for the narrative.

Reflecting on the ordeal, I’m grateful. It not only imparted a valuable lesson to Richard but also strengthened my bond with Tom, affirming our ability to navigate any challenge together.

So, if you ever find yourself contending with a difficult relative who disregards your boundaries, remember: karma might just be around the corner, ready to make its presence felt.

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